SourceMod 插件支持多国语言


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  • 这一切前提是 插件作者本身制作了翻译文件支持
    这里以 KZTIMER 举例

文件路径 addons/sourcemod/translations/kztimer.phrases.txt

        "#format"   "{1:c}"
        "en"        " {1}PB"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} (PRO) on {6}! [{7}, Tick{8}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i},{9:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} (TP) on {6}! [{7}, TPs: {8}, Tick{9}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP is not allowed because your last teleport origin is on a ladder"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP is not allowed because your last teleport origin is in midair"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:s},{9:c},{10:c},{11:s},{12:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Current map: {4}{5}{6}, Tier: {7}{8}{9} (approved by {10}{11}{12})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Current map: {4}{5}{6} (not approved)"
        "en"       "Language - English"
        "en"       "Language - German"
        "en"       "Language - Swedish"
        "en"       "Language - French"
        "en"       "Language - Russian"
        "en"       "Language - Chinese"
        "en"       "Language - Portuguese Brazilian"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Map music stopped."
        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "en"       "[KZTimer] You don't fulfill the criteria to play on this server. You must be ranked as 'VIP', 'ADMIN', '{1}' or above"
        "en"       "[KZTimer] Please set your fps_max greater than or equal to 120"
        "en"       "Adv center panel (lj takeoff info)  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Adv center panel (lj takeoff info)  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Replay route (requires replay bots)  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Replay route (requires replay bots)  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Adv checkpoint menu  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Adv checkpoint menu  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Hide other players  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Hide other players  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Color chat (jumpstats)  -  None (except yours)"
        "en"       "Color chat (jumpstats)  -  All"
        "en"       "Color chat (jumpstats)  -  Red jumps only (except yours)"
        "en"       "Checkpoint done chat message  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Checkpoint done chat message  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Checkpoint menu sounds  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Checkpoint menu sounds  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Quake sounds - None"
        "en"       "Quake sounds - All"
        "en"       "Quake sounds - Godlike jumps and records only"
        "en"       "Print strafe sync to chat  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Print strafe sync to chat  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Show timer text  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Show timer text  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Spectator list  -  Player counter + names"
        "en"       "Spectator list  -  Player counter"
        "en"       "Spectator list  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Center panel (jump distance, speed, keys)  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Center panel (jump distance, speed, keys)  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Starting weapon  -  USP"
        "en"       "Starting weapon  -  Knife"
        "en"       "Jump beam  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Jump beam  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "Chat and voice icons  -  Hidden"
        "en"       "Chat and voice icons  -  Visible"
        "en"       "Weapon model  -  Visible"
        "en"       "Weapon model  -  Hidden"
        "en"       "Goto me  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "Goto me  -  Disabled"
        "en"       "AutoBhop  -  Enabled"
        "en"       "AutoBhop  -  Disabled"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide chat enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide chat disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Weapon viewmodel disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Weapon viewmodel enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump beam enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump beam disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the LadderJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for LadderJump with a {4} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}LadderJump{10}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Avg. time {4}PRO{5}: {6} ({7}) {8}TP{9}: {10} ({11})"
        "#format"   ""
        "en"        "<font color='#FE642E' size='24' face ='Calibri'><b> Start the timer by pressing \n your 'USE' key at the start button</b></font>"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}MAP{2}] {3}.."

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}MAP{2}] {3} minutes remaining"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}MAP{2}] {3} seconds remaining"

        "#format"   "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "<b>Timer restarted</b>\n<font color='#4A66FC'><b>Pro</b></font>: {1}\n<font color='#D3CE6D'><b>TP</b></font>: {2}"

        "#format"   "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "<b>Timer started</b>\n<font color='#4A66FC'><b>Pro</b></font>: {1}\n<font color='#D3CE6D'><b>TP</b></font>: {2}"

        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "en"        "<font size='22'>Congratulations!</font>\nYou finished the map in: <font color='#86D53B'>{1}</font>"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (height offset > 0.0)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (failed to detect edges)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (selected destination is too large)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:d},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Longjump Block ({4}{5} units{6}) registered!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can only register blocks down to 226 units! (current gap: {4}{5} units{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can only register blocks up to 300 units! (current gap: {4}{5} units{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You have missed your tp best time of ({4}{5}{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You have missed your pro best time of ({4}{5}{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ FPSCHECK{2}] You will be {3}kicked in 10 seconds{4}. Please set fps_max between 100 and 300! (detected: fps_max {5})"
        "#format"   "{1:N},{2:s}"
        "en"       "Player {1} joined {2}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump penalty forced. (server-sided)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Usage: !maptop <mapname>"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WARNING: Disable hyper scroll or you get banned."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:.1f},{4:.1f}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Distance: {3} (Height offset: {4})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] You must set both points before finding a distance."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] You are not aiming at anything solid!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:.1f},{5:.1f},{6:.1f}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Got Point {3} at X: {4}, Y: {5}, Z: {6}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"       " {1}{2}{3}WARNING: Any kind of cheating will get you banned from every KZTimer Global server! This includes, but is not limited to: hacks, macros and mouse features like hyperscrolling."

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No checkpoints allowed during your challenge!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't change your knife while you are dead."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not supported while in the air."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not supported while moving."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Info: JumpStats disabled!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No jump records found!"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge request sent to {4} (Bet: {5}p, Checkpoints{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} challenged you. You have 20 seconds to {5}!accept{6} (Bet: {7}p, Checkpoints {8})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge accepted."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} won a challenge against {6}{7}{8}! (Surrender)"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No block must be enabled to start a challenge."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be alive to start a challenge."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You are already in a challenge."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No valid players found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:i}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} doesn't have enough player points ({4}) to accept your challenge"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} is already in a race"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}If you want to surrender just type !surrender"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Both of you can type !abort in chat to cancel the race"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Important: DON'T FORGET TO HIT THE START BUTTON!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Have Fun!!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge request expired!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge won! {4}(your opponent has left the server)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge versus {3}{4}{5} aborted."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You are now ranked as {4}{5}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Refreshing profile data.."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Profile refreshed. [{4}{5}{6}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has earned {6}{7} points{8} [{9}{10}{11} Total]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7} points{8} [{9}{10}{11} Total]"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} won a challenge against {6}{7}{8}"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7}points{8}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No replay found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay bot already spawned."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No players found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No map times found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Recalculating player rankings. This may take a while, please wait! (You can follow the progress in your console)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Recalculation finished!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Top 100 Players recalculated!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Recalculation stopped!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (102)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (64)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD (102)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD (64)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}PRO RECORD"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}TP RECORD"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ REPLAY{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a time of ({6}{7}{8})."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:c},{13:i},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:s},{18:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). {11}[rank {12}#{13}{14}/{15} | record {16}{17}{18}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). Improving their best time by ({14}{15}{16}). {17}[rank {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | record {22}{23}{24}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). Improving their best time by ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). Missing their best time by ({14}{15}{16}). {17}[rank {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | record {22}{23}{24}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). Missing their best time by ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}NoClip unlocked (type into console: bind KEY +noclip)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} not found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] See console for output!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} doesn't have local map times."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local TP times found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 64) found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 102.4) found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (ProMode) found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 128) found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local times found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local Pro times found on {3}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Failed! You must be alive to set a new button."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You must finish the map or be ranked as {3}, MAPPER, VIP or ADMIN to use +noclip"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Noclip disabled (server-sided)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu is disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!start{4} command is disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be alive to use {3}!spec."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}hideradar{4} into your console to hide the minimap"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!unspec{4} to go back to your old team."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!goto{4} command is serverside disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't use {3}!goto{4} if player blocking is enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You must {3}!stop{4} your timer to use !goto."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} not found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} has teleported to you."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to {3} because the player was crouching."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to {3} because he/she was not on ground."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to yourself."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Failed! Player {3} is not alive."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} disabled teleporting to him/her."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed meter enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed meter disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer stopped."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoints are disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint {4}#{5}{6} saved."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint not supported while in the air."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint on a bunnyhop block forbidden."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] No checkpoints found."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Settings Enforcer enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Settings Enforcer disabled."
        "#format"   ""
        "en"         "<font color='#80FF00' size='24' face ='Calibri'><b>  \n   Your position has been restored!</b></font>"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Radio commands are disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s},{12:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}LongJump{10}{11}{12}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}Bunnyhop{10}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}WeirdJump{10}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}DropBhop{10}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}CountJump{10}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}MultiBhop{10}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is on rampage [3 leet jumps in a row]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is dominating [5 leet jumps in a row]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for LongJump with a {4} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}{4:i},{5:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Block LongJump with a {4} block and {5} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for WeirdJump with a {4} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Drop-Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for CountJump with a {4} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Multi-Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the LongJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:i},{7:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Block LongJump Top 20! [{6} units block/{7} units jump]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the WeirdJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Drop-Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the CountJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Multi-Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide other players disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide other players enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause function is server-sided disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer panel enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer panel disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoint message enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoint message disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Goto me enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Goto me disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Colorchat enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Colorchat disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay route enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay route disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed/Keys panel enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed/Keys panel disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Show keys enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Show keys disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Quake sounds enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Quake sounds disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Spectator list enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Spectator list disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu sounds enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu sounds disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Strafe sync in chat enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Strafe sync in chat disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] AutoBhop enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] AutoBhop disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] AutoBhop disabled. (server-sided)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Advanced climbers menu enabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Advanced climbers menu disabled."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Note: Movement speed is slower than with a knife."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] (no other weapons via chat command available)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Nope. You already received 3 USP's.."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!help{4} in chat to get a list of KZTimer commands"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:s}"
        "en"       "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} has left the game. ({5})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s}"
        "en"       "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} connected from {5}{6}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c}"
        "en"       "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} connected."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}{7}{8} max) {9}Bhop{10}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] You fell too far. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}132.0{7} max) {8}DropBhop{9}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}{7}{8} max) {9}DropBhop{10}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] You fell too far. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}132.0{7} max) {8}WJ{9}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}300.0{7} max) {8}WJ{9}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "en"       "Checkpoint #{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "en"       "Teleport #{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "en"       "CP #{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "en"       "TP #{1}"
        "en"       "Prev CP"
        "en"       "Next CP"
        "en"       "Undo TP"
        "en"       "Pause"
        "en"       "Pause - ON"
        "en"       "Start"
        "en"       "Options"
        "#format"   "{1:s},{2:.1f}"
        "en"       "{1}\nSpeed: {2} u/s"
        "en"       "Checkpoint"
        "en"       "Teleport"
        "en"       "CP"
        "en"       "TP"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:c},{25:.3f},{26:c},{27:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Distance{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync | {24}{25}{26} JumpOff Edge]{27}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Max | {14}{15}{16} Height | {17}{18}{19}{20} Sync]{21}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} JumpOff | {11}{12}{13} Max | {14}{15}{16} Height | {17}{18}{19}{20} Sync]{21}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s},{25:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}{25}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} JumpOff | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c}{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13}{14} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s},{22:c},{23:c},{24:i},{25:c},{26:c},{27:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22} Bhops | {23}{24}{25}{26} Sync]{27}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "en"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}PRO RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}TP RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "en"        "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!language{4} in chat to select a different language"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c}"
        "en"        " {1}[{2}{3} block{4}]"

则在 addons/sourcemod/translations/chi 目录下创建相同的 kztimer.phrases.txt 其中 "en" 需要改成 "chi"

        "#format"   "{1:c}"
        "chi"        " {1}PB"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} 现在 #{5} 在全球PRO-TOP 20以内 {6}! [{7}, Tick{8}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i},{9:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} 现在 #{5} 在全球TP-TOP 20以内 {6}! [{7}, Tps: {8}, Tick{9}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not allowed because your last teleport origin is on a ladder"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not allowed because your last teleport origin is in midair"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:s},{9:c},{10:c},{11:s},{12:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}当前地图: {4}{5}{6}, 难度: {7}{8}{9} (审批人 {10}{11}{12})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}当前地图: {4}{5}{6} (未审批)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 回放录像打开."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 回放录像关闭."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 地图音乐已停止."
        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "chi"         "你不符合在这个服务器玩的标准,你必须是'VIP' 或 'ADMIN' 或 '{1}' 或更高等级"
        "chi"          "请打开控制台输入fps_max 120 或更高"
        "chi"        "回放路线 (需要回放机器人)  -   已开启"

        "chi"       "回放路线 (需要回放机器人)  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "高级中心面板  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "高级中心面板  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "高级存点菜单  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "高级存点菜单  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "隐藏其他玩家  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "隐藏其他玩家  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "颜色消息  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "颜色消息  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "颜色消息 (跳跃统计)  -  红色消息 (自己除外)"
        "chi"       "存点完成消息显示  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "存点完成消息显示  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "存点菜单声音  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "存点菜单声音 -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "特效声音 - 已关闭"
        "chi"       "特效声音 - 全部音效"
        "chi"        "特效声音 - 仅 超神跳跃 和 刷新纪录"
        "chi"       "空速等消息  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "空速等消息  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "显示计时器  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "显示计时器  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "显示观察你的人  - 玩家数 + 名字"
        "chi"       "显示观察你的人  -  玩家数"
        "chi"       "显示观察你的人  -  关闭"
        "chi"       "显示速度/按键 面板  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "显示速度/按键 面板  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "起始武器  -  USP"
        "chi"       "起始武器  -  Knife"
        "chi"       "跳跃光束  - 已开启"
        "chi"       "跳跃光束   -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "屏蔽所有聊天和语言  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "屏蔽所有聊天和语言  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "武器和手臂显示  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "武器和手臂显示  -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "停止计时的玩家可传送到你的位置  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "停止计时的玩家可传送到你的位置 -  已关闭"
        "chi"       "自动连跳  -  已开启"
        "chi"       "自动连跳  -  已关闭"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 屏蔽所有聊天和语言  -  已开启"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 武器和手臂显示  -  已关闭"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 武器和手臂显示  -  已关闭"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}]  武器和手臂显示  -  已开启"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 跳跃光束  - 已开启"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 跳跃光束   -  已关闭"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 起跳 | {11}{12}{13} 高度 | {14}{15}{16}{17} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 起跳 | {11}{12}{13} 空速 | {14}{15}{16} 高度 | {17}{18}{19}{20} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入LadderJump排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LadderJump 跳出: {4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}LadderJump{10}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Avg. time {4}PRO{5}: {6} ({7}) {8}TP{9}: {10} ({11})"
        "#format"   ""
        "chi"        " \n<font color='#c73030' size='24'><b> 别忘了按计时器!</b></font>"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}MAP{2}] {3}.."

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}MAP{2}] 剩余 {3} 分钟"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}MAP{2}] 剩余 {3} 秒"

        "#format"   "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "chi"        "<b>计时开始</b>\n<font color='#4A66FC'><b>裸跳记录</b></font>: {1}\n<font color='#D3CE6D'><b>存点记录</b></font>: {2}"

        "#format"   "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "chi"        "<b>计时开始</b>\n<font color='#4A66FC'><b>裸跳记录</b></font>: {1}\n<font color='#D3CE6D'><b>存点记录</b></font>: {2}"

        "#format"   "{1:s}"
        "chi"        "<b>恭喜到达终点.</b>\n完成时间: <font color='#86D53B'>{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}目标无效 (高低 > 0.0)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}目标无效 (未检测到边缘)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}目标无效 (选择的目标太远)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}目标无效"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:d},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}长跳板块距离 ({4}{5} 单位{6}) 已标记!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}标记板块最低不能少于 226 单位! (差距: {4}{5} 单位{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}标记板块最高不能大于 300 单位! (差距: {4}{5} 单位{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}你已经比原存点记录({4}{5}{6})慢了"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}你已经比原记录({4}{5}{6})慢了"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ FPSCHECK{2}] 你将在{3}10秒后被踢出服务器{4}. 请设置 fps_max 为 100 至 300之间! (当前值: fps_max {5})"
        "#format"   "{1:N},{2:s}"
        "chi"       "玩家 {1} 加入了 {2}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 强制处罚. (需服务器支持)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 输入: !maptop <地图名>"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}警告: 禁用超级滚轮否则将被封禁."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:.1f},{4:.1f}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 距离: {3} (高低: {4})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 必须找到两个点再测量距离."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 你还未对准任何固体目标!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:.1f},{5:.1f},{6:.1f}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 坐标 {3} at X: {4}, Y: {5}, Z: {6}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"         "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}使用非法软件加速,或者连跳脚本将被封禁!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 无存点挑战模式!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 活着才能换其它刀."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}空中禁止撤销读点."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}移动中禁止撤销读点."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 长跳数据禁用!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂无长跳数据!"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}挑战请求已发送给 {4} (赌注: {5}积分, 存点{6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 向你发起挑战你有20秒进行回应 {5}!accept{6} (赌注: {7}p, 存点{8})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}接受挑战."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 挑战赢了 {6}{7}{8}! (放弃)"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 必须开启虚体才能开始挑战."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 必须活着才能开始挑战."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 你已经在挑战中."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 没有找到玩家."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:i}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} 没有足够的积分({4}) 接受你的挑战"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} 正在挑战中"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}如果你想放弃输入 !surrender"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}你们可以输入 !abort 终止挑战"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}别忘了按计时器!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}玩的开心!!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 挑战请求时间已过了!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}赢得挑战! {4}(对手离开了服务器)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 与 {3}{4}{5} 的太挑战终止."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}你现在的等级是 {4}{5}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}更新数据.."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}更新. [{4}{5}{6}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 赢得 {6}{7} 积分{8} [总积分{9}{10}{11}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 输掉了 {6}{7} 积分{8} [总积分{9}{10}{11}]"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 在挑战中赢了 {6}{7}{8}"

        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 输掉了 {6}{7} {8}积分!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂无重播机器人."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 重播机器人已创建."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂无玩家排名."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂无记录."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 重新计算玩家排名.这可能需要一段时间,请稍等!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}重新计算完成!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}前100名玩家重新计算!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 重新计算停止!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 已经打破了 {6}的全球 裸跳 记录 (102)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 已经打破了 {6}的全球 裸跳 记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 已经打破了 {6}的全球 裸跳 记录 (64)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 已经打破了 {6}的全球 存点 记录 (102)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 已经打破了 {6}的全球 存点 记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 已经打破了 {6}的全球 存点 记录 (64)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球裸跳记录 (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 刷新了 {6}裸跳记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}裸跳记录{4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}读点记录{4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球裸跳记录 (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球存点记录 (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球裸跳记录 (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球存点记录 (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球裸跳记录 (128){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}全球存点记录 (128){4}: {5} ({6})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 刷新了 {6}读点记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ REPLAY{2}] {3}{4}{5} 完成时间 ({6}{7}{8})."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 读点完成时间 {6}{7}({8}{9}{10}, 读点: {11}{12}{13}). {14}[排名 {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | 记录 {19}{20}{21}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:c},{13:i},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:s},{18:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 裸跳完成时间 {6}{7}({8}{9}{10}). {11}[排名 {12}#{13}{14}/{15} | 记录 {16}{17}{18}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 读点完成时间 {6}{7}({8}{9}{10}, 读点: {11}{12}{13}) ({14}{15}{16}) {17}[排名 {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | 记录 {22}{23}{24}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 裸跳完成时间 {6}{7}({8}{9}{10}) ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[排名 {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | 记录 {19}{20}{21}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 读点完成时间 {6}{7}({8}{9}{10}, 读点: {11}{12}{13}) ({14}{15}{16}) {17}[排名 {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | 记录 {22}{23}{24}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} 裸跳完成时间 {6}{7}({8}{9}{10}) ({11}{12}{13}) {14}[排名 {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | 记录 {19}{20}{21}]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}鬼魂模式解锁 (使用方法控制台输入: bind KEY +noclip)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 玩家 {3} 没有相关数据."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 看控制台输出!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} 没有地图记录."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无读点记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无全球记录 (tickrate 64)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无全球记录 (tickrate 102.4)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无全球记录 (ProMode)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无全球记录 (tickrate 128)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 当前地图{3} 暂无裸跳记录"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 必须活着才能设置按钮."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 完成地图才能使用鬼魂模式(列外:等级{3}, 地图作者, VIP, 管理员)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 鬼魂模式禁用(服务器已禁用)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 菜单禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!start{4} 命令已禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 必须活着才能使用 {3}!spec."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 输入 {3}hideradar{4} 隐藏雷达!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 输入 {3}!unspec{4} 返回队伍."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!goto{4} 服务器已禁用传送功能."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 无法使用命令 {3}!goto{4} 如果玩家未开启传送."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 输入 {3}!stop{4} 停止计时,再输入 !goto."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 找不到玩家 {3}!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 玩家 {3} 使用传送功能到达你的位置."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 玩家 {3} 蹲着无法传送."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 玩家 {3} 在空中无法传送."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 不能传送自己."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 传送失败! 玩家 {3} 不是活着."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 玩家 {3} 禁用传送."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 显示速度启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 显示速度禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 停止计时."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 存点功能禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}存点. {4}#{5}{6}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}空中禁止存点."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}连跳板块禁止存点."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 没有存点."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}设置参数启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}设置参数禁用."
        "#format"   ""
        "chi"        " \n   <font size='23'><b>恢复上次退出时的时间和位置</b></font>\n"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 无线电语音禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s},{12:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}LongJump {10}{11}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}{12}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}Bunnyhop{10}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}WeirdJump{10}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}DropBhop{10}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}CountJump{10}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}{11}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} {9}MultiBhop{10}{5} 跳出 {6}{7} 单位{8}{11}"
    "Jumpstats_OnRampage"//Don't understand
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 是大婶!!! [连续3次出红]"
    "Jumpstats_IsDominating"//Don't understand
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 是上帝!!! [连续5次出红]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} LongJump 跳出: {4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}{4:i},{5:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} Block LongJump 板块距离: {4} 跳出: {5} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} WeirdJump 跳出: {4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} Drop-Bunnyhop 跳出:{4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} CountJump 跳出:{4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} Bunnyhop 跳出: {4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} Multi-Bunnyhop 跳出: {4} 打破个人记录!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入LongJump排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:i},{7:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入Block LongJump排行榜第{5}位[板块距离: {6} 单位/跳出: {7} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入WeirdJump排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入Drop-Bunnyhop排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入CountJump排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入Bunnyhop排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} 现在进入Multi-Bunnyhop排行榜第{5}位[跳出: {6} 单位]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 隐藏其它玩家启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 隐藏其它玩家禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂停功能服务器已经禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂停禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 暂停启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 计时面板启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 计时面板禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 显示存点提示启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 显示存点提示禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 传送启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 传送禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 颜色聊天启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 颜色聊天禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 信息面板启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 信息面板禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 显示按键启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 显示按键禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 雷神之锤音效启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 雷神之锤音效禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 围观列表启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 围观列表禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 菜单声音启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 菜单声音禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 聊天区显示加速同步率启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 聊天区显示加速同步率禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 自动连跳启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 自动连跳禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 自动连跳禁用. (服务器已禁用)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 高级菜单启用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 高级菜单禁用."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 注意: 移动速度比刀慢."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] (目前没有其它武器可用)"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 你已经收到3把USP了!"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 输入 {3}!helpmenu{4} 查看帮助菜单."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:s}"
        "chi"       "{1}玩家 {2}{3}{4} 已退出服务器. ({5})"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s}"
        "chi"       "{1}玩家 {2}{3}{4} 正在进入服务器{5}{6}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c}"
        "chi"       "{1}玩家 {2}{3}{4} 正在进入服务器."
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 你的空中速度超出{6}{7}{8}. (当前速度{3}{4}{5}) {9}Bhop{10}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 你的位置高度超出{6}132.0{7}. (当前高度: {3}{4}{5}) {8}DropBhop{9}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 你的空中速度超出{6}{7}{8}. (当前速度{3}{4}{5}) {9}DropBhop{10}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 你的位置高度超出{6}132.0{7}. (当前高度: {3}{4}{5}) {8}WJ{9}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] 你的空中速度超出{6}300.0{7}. (当前速度: {3}{4}{5}) {8}WJ{9}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "chi"       "存点 #{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "chi"       "读点 #{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "chi"       "存点 #{1}"
        "#format"   "{1:i}"
        "chi"       "读点 #{1}"
        "chi"       "前个存点"
        "chi"       "下个读点"
        "chi"       "撤销读点"
        "chi"       "暂停"
        "chi"       "暂停 - 开"
        "chi"       "起点"
        "chi"       "设置"
        "#format"   "{1:s},{2:.1f}"
        "chi"       "{1}\n速度: {2} u/s"
        "chi"       "存点"
        "chi"       "读点"
        "chi"       "存点"
        "chi"       "读点"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:c},{25:.3f},{26:c},{27:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}距离{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率 | {24}{25}{26} 起跳]{27}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 地速 | {11}{12}{13} 空速 | {14}{15}{16} 高度 | {17}{18}{19}{20} 同步率]{21}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 起跳 | {11}{12}{13} 空速 | {14}{15}{16} 高度 | {17}{18}{19}{20} 同步率]{21}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s},{25:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率]{24}{25}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 起跳 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c}{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 地速 | {11}{12}{13}{14} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s},{22:c},{23:c},{24:i},{25:c},{26:c},{27:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22} Bhops | {23}{24}{25}{26} 同步率]{27}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 地速 | {11}{12}{13} 高度 | {14}{15}{16}{17} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 地速 | {11}{12}{13} 高度 | {14}{15}{16}{17} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 地速 | {11}{12}{13} 高度 | {14}{15}{16}{17} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop: {4} 单位 [{5}{6}{7} 加速 | {8}{9}{10} 地速 | {11}{12}{13} 高度 | {14}{15}{16}{17} 同步率]"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
        "chi"       "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop{4}: {5}{6} 单位{7} [{8}{9}{10} 加速 | {11}{12}{13} 地速 | {14}{15}{16} 空速 | {17}{18}{19} 高度 | {20}{21}{22}{23} 同步率]{24}"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
        "chi"        "[{1}KZ{2}] 输入 {3}!language{4} 切换语言"
        "#format"   "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c}"
        "chi"        " {1}[{2}{3} 板块{4}]"
        "chi"       "Language - English"
        "chi"       "Language - German"
        "chi"       "Language - Swedish"
        "chi"       "Language - French"
        "chi"       "Language - Russian"
        "chi"       "Language - Chinese"
        "chi"       "Language - Portuguese Brazilian"
作者:admin  创建时间:2022-08-16 10:48
最后编辑:admin  更新时间:2024-03-05 10:19